“Software innovation, like almost every other kind of innovation, requires the ability to collaborate and share ideas with others people, sit down and talk with customers and get their feedback and understand their needs.”
— Bill Gates, Microsoft
As a business owner or manager, the question should always be “Can it be done better … more efficiently?“. The owner is often the manager, process flow coordinator, worker and everything in between — individuals who usually don’t have time to review, or question, process flow. Do you know where the bottlenecks are in your business? Through Process Improvement, your company can save time, energy and money. FlexOp 360 links your business mission, strategy and processes to your IT strategy. FlexOp PRO (ERP) is easy to adapt to small business environments and is designed to have economical start-up costs.
Can it be done better … more efficiently?
In 2004, the creators of FlexOp 360 realized that their process could be more efficient and so they developed an ERP solution using the most popular platform database program in the world – Filemaker; a subsidiary of Apple.
The past ways of holding information, using paper as the only was to communicate, planning without knowing why, when, or how something has changed is now being done differently. Improvements in technology, sharing and planning in real-time, and the development of mobile platforms are forever changing the way we do business.
Case Study – Babbittech Inc.
Babbittech, Inc. is a small company which provides manufacturing services to the Oil and Power industries. The industry was changing and the company was struggling to adapt. Like most small businesses, they were communicating verbally, exchanging handwritten notes, sending e-mails… Download pdf for complete story.